Friday, December 6, 2013

The Weight of Blood by Laura Mchugh

  So I won a book from It was the book named above. This book was great. I give it 5/5 stars. It was a book with a little bit of everything wrapped into one book. It is a coming to age book, where a young girl is trying to find herself as she grown into an adult. When she was a baby her mother went missing (ran away or suicide) They never found her body. She has all of these questions about her mother and what type of person she was and how she is like her. Well one of her classmates/friends ends up missing for over a year and is found dismembered in a tree. This was the talk of the town. She goes on to try to find her murderer and what happened to her mother. She is from a small town, and we all know what kind of secrets a small town holds. I won't give any spoilers away (I don't believe in them, you just have to find out for yourself) It has a happy ending. I will give you that. It is very well written with a lot of unique quotes in it that your like oh year I remember hearing this when I was a kid. It was hard to put down the book I just wanted to finish it in one night. (Hard to do when you have a toddler you have to chase around in the morning) Each story is told from a different persons perspective so you can piece together the story as the girl is. It is unique and I highly recommend. If you like thrillers, mysteries or coming of age books you will love this book.

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